Thursday, February 16, 2012

"The Exorcism of 'Roman' Nicki Minaj"

Okay I could really care less about this then one would think. Yeah I think it's creepy, yeah it's odd, and yes it's offensive. But I'm going to analysis this the best way I know. What people don't get is this...

Onika Tanya Maraj, A.K.A. Nicki Minaj, had a chaotic life as a child, her parents were constantly fighting, so as an escape she would create these "characters" (Much like a child with an imaginary friend.) Often people think that she's Bi-Polar, which isn't true. As she grew older she began to live her life through these characters, one of them being Roman. Roman is called to be her "twin sister" who is a demon inside of her. But Roman was only there when she had anger inside. Sorta like the Incredible Hulk (besides the growing huge, ripping buildings up and being green.)

If you are like me and understand the whole Incredible Hulk thing, then you would get it like I do. You see, I don't view things religiously, I try to compare things like these to stuff that I already know about. If you take a look at new issues, like this, and compare them to a similar thing that you know much about, then you will be able to understand that person's original message....

Poision Apple

The one thing that I don't like about Apple, is their inability to understand people's mental health. Now one would think that the people who build our Apple gadgets are Americans. Well now you my fine muggle friends would be wrong. Apple has production companies all over the world, but the most common is at Foxconn. At Foxconn, workers HAND BUILD the products. Yes I do mean with their fingers. One by one, each piece of technology is carefully placed in the right spot on all millions and millions of Apple products, all the wires and buttons, all those tiny little knobs that we don't see, and would only see if we smashed our device and put them under a microscope. No wonder people there are going insane... One thing I know is that the buildings and the working conditions are extremely fancy, and when I say fancy I mean, bowling allies, thearters, full on food courts, the whole nine yards. But back to the serious things, people there are committing suicide, jumping off buildings... So the next time you say to yourself, you hate your job or you hate this gadget, think of this my friends, the people who built these products, think of the time, the effort and the patients to do such a job, just to make our work and our daily lives easier.